If so, you're in luck! We want to pay you for your knowledge.

And if you don't, no worries. Most companies out there do actually need to level up their advertising, so odds are that you do have some connection to a business we can help!

We only have two requirements.

1) We ask that referred companies have an advertising budget of at least $5000/month. (This is most companies)

2) We ask that the leads are WARM, ready to be closed in 15-30 days.

About the RevTilt Referral Program

We started this program to expand our sales reach, leverage networks of connected industry professionals, and give you an opportunity to cash in while helping businesses upgrade their advertising with RevTilt.

Pretty cool, huh?

How Does It Work?

It's super simple! You do a few things, we do a few things, and if we close a deal, you get paid! And by the way, we don't ever cap your commissions. More details below.

What You Do

1) First, it probably helps if you know a little bit about advertising. We'll do most of the heavy lifting, but you'll want to understand a few things about programmatic advertising.

View Our Resourcess

2) Next, you talk to your people and warm up your lead (hint: use the resources page listed above!)

3) Once they're interested and open to the idea of changing their advertising, you submit the Referral Form found here.

What We Do

1) Once you submit the form, we'll reach out to you to let you know we received your submission, and make sure we understand the complete situation.

2) We'll work with you to contact and set up a meeting with your contact and any other relevant decision makers at the company. We'll do all the presenting!

3) We close the deal!

What Happens Next

When we close a deal, you get paid!

You have a couple of options to choose from to collect your commission.

For all deals under $1 million/month, you can choose an up-front guaranteed 10% of the value of the first month's campaign, or 5% of the value of the first month's campaign for up to 3 months, as long as the client is spending money over a period of 3 months.

For all deals above $1 million/month, you can choose an up-front guaranteed 5% of the value of the first month's campaign, or 2.5% of the sale for up to 6 months, as long as the client is spending money over a period of 6 months.

We do this so that you are incentivized to focus on bringing clients that have the expectations of a long-term relationship, where you can also leverage your relationship to help us develop a relationship of trust with them.


Here's some examples to illustrate how it works, and to show you how much you could make.

Scenario 1: Your referral ends up closing a deal with us for $50,000 ad spend in Month 1. They continue to be a customer in Months 2 and 3.

You choose the 5% over 3 months option, and make 5% of $50,000, or $2500, at the end of Month 1, again at the end of Month 2, and finally at the end of Month 3. In total, you made $7500 for a single sale!

You don't know if the client would continue to advertise in Months 2 and 3, and you value the guaranteed up-front money and choose the 10% commission option. You make $5000 on that single sale!

Takeaway: You can easily see how constant referrers can make considerable money just by warming up leads and letting us close them!

Scenario 2: Your referral ends up closing a deal with us for $1,000,000 ad spend in Month 1. They continue to be a customer in Months 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

By doing the math, you see that 5% of $1 million is $50,000! With that much money on the line, it seems like a no-brainer to choose the guaranteed option, and you take your check to the bank, and don't worry about whether the client continues advertising.

By choosing the 2.5% commission for up to six months option, you make 2.5% of $1,000,000, or $25,000, at the end of Month 1, again at the end of Months 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. In total, you made $150,000 for a single sale! (You'd be set for a year!)

OH, and now's a pretty good time to remind you that WE DON'T HAVE COMMISSION CAPS.

Scenario 3: Your referral ends up closing a deal with us for $100,000 ad spend in Month 1, but they decide to go back to their old ways in Months 2 and 3. They are no longer our customer.

If you chose the guaranteed 10% commission option, you make $10,000, even though the client didn't end up advertising in subsequent months. In this scenario, you made the maximum amount of money.

If you were hoping for the overall maximum amount of money and chose the 5% commission structure over a maximum of three months... bummer! You still get paid, just not quite as much as if we'd retained that customer.

Even though we couldn't convince that client to stay, you still make some money! Specifically, you make 5% of $100,000, or $5000, at the end of Month 1.

Takeaway: Clients cancel for a variety of reasons. Our hope is to minimize that turnover rate by leveraging your relationship with the client, in helping them explain how new clients that advertise will consistently will see results, even if they aren't immediately manifest in Month 1. Your relationship with the client is valuable!

Scenario 4: You have multiple client deals closing each month for 6 months. On average, you closed 2 deals a month for $50,000 each. Retention rate is 100%.

If you choose the guaranteed 10% commission structure, you would receive $10,000 per month for six months, regardless of the clients' retention rates. In total you'd receive $60,000!

If you instead opt for the more risky, but more rewarding 5% over 3 months structure...This gets complicated, but on average, you make $100,000 in deals for 6 months, or $600,000 total. Your total commission is 15% of that, which is $90,000!

The breakdown is as follows: Month 1: $5000, Month 2: $10,000, Month 3: $15,000, Month 4: $15,000, Month 5: $15,000, Month 6: $15,000, Month 7: $10,000, and Month 8: $5000. You can take the last 4 months of the year off because of your hard work!


If you have any questions at all, including about the referral program or programmatic advertising knowledge, please reach out to us. We love to answer your questions and help you succeed. Email: info@revtilt.ai

Pixelated map of the world

Ready to Refer?

When you've completed your part and are ready to refer your WARM referral, click the button below to fill out the referral form.

Referral Form